Staatsburgh State Historic Site / National Heritage Trust

Staatsburgh is a 79-room 1895 Gilded Age mansion on a country estate on the Hudson River. It is also an unforgettable classroom where students explore the world of more than 100 years ago. Depending on their grade level, they may learn about the lifestyles of Gilded Age millionaires and servants; about immigration and industrialization; or how the estate was an independent community.

Interpreters present lively and interactive programs that are age-appropriate for students from 2nd grade to college, and craft the presentations to meet Common Core and NYS Learning Standards. Hands-on activities and role-playing make our programs fun and memorable.

The Countess Moira Charitable Foundation, named for a granddaughter of the family that lived at Staatsburgh, provides a grant to pay for education program fees and for the cost to bus students to the site.