Code Now

CodeNow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit teaching high school students how to solve meaningful problems through coding. Our program has four levels to introduce you to web design, coding, and how to come up with your own app ideas.  Over six years, we've helped more than 2,000 students learn to code.  Learn the technology skills you need to make apps, do well in college, and get internships

Solving meaningful problems
We believe having the motivation to build something you care about is the best way to learn. Joining CodeNow means you'll develop an interest in making the world a better place through technology, design and business.

Passion and persistence
This is our primary acceptance criteria for CodeNow. You need to be driven by a problem you want to solve or an idea you want to make real, but also have the tenacity to persist when times get tough.

Diverse collaboration
CodeNow is comprised of high schoolers who come from a variety of backgrounds, neighborhoods, and socioeconomic statuses. Our diversity and emphasis on working with others is what makes our program special.

Learning enough to take a step
Practical, applicable, hands-on learning is at the core of our teaching philosophy. You won’t find any fluff in our programs, we’ll teach you what's necessary to take the next step towards making your idea real.